On 14/12/10 17:10, ~suv wrote:
On 14/12/10 00:43, Josh Andler wrote:
Jon, any thoughts? What about you su-v?
a) Proposing to get 0.48.1 out as soon as possible. b) Proposing to aim for 0.48.2 as second bug fix release.
Issues I could imagine being addressed with 0.48.2 (cherry-picked based mainly on recurring support questions and duplicates filed in the bug tracker [1]):
- node tool: fix bugs, regressions and implement missing features [2]
[2] compiled list of the reported issues from various places (inkscape-devel, bug tracker, user reports/questions) is on my todo list; will post it as soon as possible
List (summary, detailed) attached: it merges open issues discussed in inkscape-devel, the Inkscape Forum and the bug tracker which (AFAICT) are still present in current trunk (or need to be checked) and sorts them by topic (not importance or status).
Please update if I missed some threads from inkscape-devel, included others that are either general or debatable feature requests (i.e. not based on comparing with the old node tool), or any other mistakes I made.
'detailed' is with quotes from inkscape-devel or the forum (including links to the threads); for issues already filed in the bug tracker I only provided the links (no further details).
1 Selection 1.1 tabbing through nodes|sub-paths, finding first/last node 1.2 node status details not shown in notification area in 0.48 1.3 notify about number of (sub-)paths in the node selection 1.4 skew transformation handles missing for x- or y-aligned nodes
2 Transforming nodes 2.1 Stamping tool does not work with node tool in version 0.48 2.2 Multiple Nodes Do Not Move Along Path in 0.48 2.3 "Join selected nodes" adds an extraneous node when joining near-duplicate nodes 2.4 Skew transformation is not updated in path data 2.5 duplicate node(s) with 'Shift+D' 2.6 break/join nodes shifts start node of closed path 2.7 node aligning vs averaging
3 Transforming handles 3.1 lost feature when rotating or scaling handles via kb 3.1 Handle can't be "fixed" when node smoothing in 0.48 3.3 Constrained rotation of handles with 'Ctrl+drag' 3.4 preserve symmetric shape when deleting a node
4 Node types 4.1 Shift+S convert cusp to semi-smooth, then smooth node? 4.2 Tangent node doesn't remain smooth after removing control handles 4.3 Node editor lies about node type when you convert a curve with smooth nodes to straight
5 Node sculpting 5.1 sculpting pressure sensitivity 5.2 sculpting node handles 5.3 sculpting profiles
6 Snapping 6.1 Nodes rotation center doesn't snap to grid 6.2 Scale/stretch/skew transforms with transform handles don't snap
7 Edit clip-path/mask/pattern/textframe
7.1 node-edit frame of flowed-text 7.2 edit mask/clip of spiro path 7.3 Make pattern assigned to group editable with the node tool 7.4 Editing a mask or clip Shape object doesn't work
8.1 switcher does not show with Knot LPE 8.2 show all parameter paths while node-editing a path with an LPE
9 Keyboard shortcuts
9.1 panning with space+LMB fails
1 Selection
1.1 tabbing through nodes|sub-paths, finding first/last node ------------------------------------------------------------ In Inkscape 0.47 r22583 I could conveniently find the first node of a path by selecting the path with the select tool, switch to the node tool and <TAB> once for the first node (or Shift+<TAB> for the last) and continue through all nodes with <TAB>.
With the new node tool this no longer works: now I have to select at least one node of a sub-path and <TAB> goes from there. If by chance I picked the last node I'm out of luck: the first <TAB> deselects all nodes and neither a second <TAB> nor a Shift+<TAB> does allow me to further select adjacent nodes of the sub-path. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/32978
Partially fixed: Tab selects the first node when nothing is selected. I am not sure what exactly Tab should when operating on a path with multiple subpaths, so there might be other issues. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33026
See the code of the old node tool. It was all worked out: it traversed nodes within one subpath, then jumped to the next subpath and traversed it, then when there are no more subpath it went to the beginning and started the cycle anew. Shift+tab cycled the other way around. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33027
A-ha! I checked 0.47, and the first Tab selects only one node. I was working under the assumption that it shifts the selection around. I'll fix this shortly. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33028
**needs checking: only selects first sub-path, never the others
1.2 node status details not shown in notification area in 0.48 -------------------------------------------------------------- the statusbar used to say how much total nodes are there ("2 of 5 nodes selected") and, for a single node, its type (smooth, cusp, auto) http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33185
Lost feature: the statusbar used to say how much total nodes are there
Partially fixed (x of x nodes), working on subpath reporting http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33212
Bug #654783 "node status details not shown in notification area in 0.48" https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/654783
1.3 notify about number of (sub-)paths in the node selection ------------------------------------------------------------ Suggested feature: now that we can select multiple objects, the statusbar hints must reflect that, in the same way as subpaths, e.g. "2 of 9 nodes selected in 2 of 3 subpaths in 1 of 2 selected paths", or simply "2 of 9 nodes selected in 1 of 2 selected paths" if there are no subpaths involved. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33185
I would rather show other hints than information about how many objects are selected, because this information is not very useful, and if the user really wants this information it's available by switching to the selector tool. The new paradigm of the node tool makes little distinction between subpaths in the same path and subpaths in different paths. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33212
Exactly, and here you gave the reason why we should in fact show this information :) See, it's no distinction for your code (kudos to you), but it's different concepts and behavior for the user. So, being able to easily find out how many of these things are actually different objects and how many are subpaths is very useful. And if you're not using subpaths, you're not losing anything, there won't be any space wasted on the number of subpaths then. Ditto for paths when only one path is selected. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33214
1.4 skew transformation handles missing for x- or y-aligned nodes ----------------------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/590260
2 Transforming nodes
2.1 Stamping tool does not work with node tool in version 0.48 -------------------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/669162
2.2 Multiple Nodes Do Not Move Along Path in 0.48 ------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/642536
2.3 "Join selected nodes" adds an extraneous node when joining near-duplicate nodes -------------------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/614628
2.4 Skew transformation is not updated in path data --------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/590259
2.5 duplicate node(s) with 'Shift+D' ------------------------------------ Missing feature: duplicate node handles too (like in 0.47) Different implementation for start nodes: 0.47 extended the path on both ends (new start or end node selected), 0.48.1 always selects the next (new) node(s) in path direction. https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/555449
2.6 break/join nodes shifts start node of closed path ----------------------------------------------------- http://imgh.us/node-tool-sort-order-roundtrip-047-2.svg http://imgh.us/node-tool-sort-order-roundtrip-048-2.svg
2.7 node aligning vs averaging ------------------------------ If I try to align multiple selected nodes from one selected object, they are not aligned by the position of last selected nodes as I expected and as is in older INkscape versions, but now they are aligned in the middle of all selected nodes. http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=5911&p=24984 http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=4062&p=25136
https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/171287 comment #3 ff https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/457749 comment #9 https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/557777
3 Transforming handles
3.1 lost feature when rotating or scaling handles via kb -------------------------------------------------------- when rotating or scaling handles via kb w/ R/L-Alt modifiers, it no longer controls the individual handles. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33185
3.1 Handle can't be "fixed" when node smoothing in 0.48 ------------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/642533
3.3 Constrained rotation of handles with 'Ctrl+drag' ---------------------------------------------------- Lost feature: When rotating a handle with Ctrl, the previous behaviour was: - snap to origin, - its opposite and perpendicular, - to vertical/horizontal, and - to 15 deg steps from vertical. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33185
Fixed http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33212
You missed the "and perpendicular" part :) Also, just in case, the "15 degrees" everywhere should be "the value set in prefs", 15 is just the default (you probably got this right, just clarifying) http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33214
When ctrl+alt+dragging a node, it should slide along the handles *and their perpendiculars*; similarly when rotating a handle with Ctrl, it should snap to origin, its opposite *and perpendicular*, to vertical/horizontal, and to 15 deg steps from vertical - all works except the perpendiculars. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33671
Bug #590755 ctrl-dragging node handle does not snap to a line collinear with the opposite handle https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/590755
3.4 preserve symmetric shape when deleting a node ------------------------------------------------- Regression (not filed as bug): <del> a node creates handles with random angle/length even if the path was fully symmetrical.
4 Node types
4.1 Shift+S convert cusp to semi-smooth, then smooth node? ---------------------------------------------------------- Lost feature: 1) create a cusp node next to a linear segment; 2) press Shift+S; it becomes semismooth, aligned with the segment (correct); 3) now press Shift+S again; old behavior is to make it fully smooth, extending the second handle, but your tool does nothing. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33185
Fixed http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33212
Works but buggy: the second handle appears in some random position instead of aligned with the segment! http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33214
**needs checking
4.2 Tangent node doesn't remain smooth after removing control handles --------------------------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/655222
4.3 Node editor lies about node type when you convert a curve with smooth nodes to straight ------------------------------------------------------------------ https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/610817
5 Node sculpting
5.1 sculpting pressure sensitivity ---------------------------------- Pressure sensitivity when sculpting (if I figure out a sensible behavior for it) http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33946
Node-sculpting pressure sensitivity with tablet lost. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/35345
Feature change or regression. The behavior of all node tool drags made uniform in that the outcome of the drag depends only on the current state of modifiers and the change in position of the mouse pointer. If pressure sensitive sculpting used the same paradigm (outcome depends only on the current pressure and position of the pen), it would be rather hard to do anything with it because the pressure decreases smoothly as you lift the pen from the tablet. If there is demand for this feature, I could break the paradigm in this one instance. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/35346
In 0.47, the shape of the path between the selected nodes is frozen when the Alt key is released. This isn't the perfect solution as the nodes will still move a bit (with the shape fixed) as the pen is lifted. Perhaps releasing the Alt key should also disable moving the nodes until the pen is returned to the tablet (or the mouse button released and pressed again). http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/35351
Not fixed, unlikely to be fixed in 0.48.1 unless someone comes up with a precise behavior to implement http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/35363
To match 0.47, the higher the pressure, the wider the effected region. The shape is fixed when the Alt key is released. You can see a picture in my guide book http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/Paths-Editing.html#Paths-Editing-Node Scroll down a bit or search for "pressure sensitivity".
To make this more useful, I would suggest disabling moving nodes after the Alt key is released until the mouse button is also released. This would prevent the nodes from shifting due to mouse movement once the desired shape is obtained. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/35364
5.2 sculpting node handles -------------------------- Node handles are not sculpted based on their position! so if you drag the middle of a text string down it becomes all jagged because all handles stay horizontal while the text itself is bent. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33671
Oops, I did the testing on a rectangle with some inserted nodes so I didn't catch this. Will fix as well. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33672
a thing I already reported, still not fixed: sculpting node handles http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33948
5.3 sculpting profiles ----------------------
Lost feature: node sculpting. Will you work on it, or do you want me to work on porting it?
I will port it, but for now only one "sculpting profile" will be available. I would like to add enum support to preferences before introducing even more magic numbers to it.
Thanks! Actually as I remember the other profiles were more or less placeholders in the old code too, I intended to enable them in UI one day, but for now only bell-shape worked. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33195
Just tested with both 0.47 and 0.48+devel - the new node tool indeed doesn't seem to support sculpting profiles. http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5836&p=24673
6 Snapping
6.1 Nodes rotation center doesn't snap to grid ---------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/667072
6.2 Scale/stretch/skew transforms with transform handles don't snap ------------------------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/590261
7 Edit clip-path/mask/pattern/textframe
7.1 node-edit frame of flowed-text ---------------------------------- just noticed one more regression: the node tool can no longer edit flowed text's rectangle envelope. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33942
7.2 edit mask/clip of spiro path -------------------------------- if you draw path in Spiro mode and then clip and/or mask it, in Node tool its clip/mask will not be editable even if you turn on their toggles. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33214
7.3 Make pattern assigned to group editable with the node tool -------------------------------------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/686245
7.4 Editing a mask or clip Shape object doesn't work ---------------------------------------------------- Same for masks and clipping paths -- you cannot edit them, only the objects that are clipped or masked, http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33943
You can edit them, but they must be paths. Multi-shape editing isn't implemented, and it's a rather substantial piece of work, so do not expect it to be in 0.48 (I haven't even started on it yet :( ). http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33946
editing a clippath or mask often fails if clippath or mask is a shape (vs. a path) and clips or masks a single object (vs. a group) (not filed as bug yet because I haven't figured out how to consistently reproduce it.) http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33947
What does *multi*shape editing has to do with it? All the tool has to do is edit shapes like it has been doing for years. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33952
The difference is that now the clipping mask and the base shape are edited at the same time - the clip / mask editing buttons are toggles and do not change the selection. Before that, clip / mask editing buttons were pushbuttons that selected the clip or mask for editing.
It should still be possible to edit 1 normal shape in addition to all the paths, so I think this is actually a bug somewhere in my code. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/33956
Bug #589092 "Editing a mask or clip Shape object doesn't work" https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/589092
**needs checking: any changes with multiple shape editing?
(...) As a bonus we get multiple shape editing (e.g. editing 4 rects and 2 ellipses at the same time) for free in the node tool. The shape tools still can't handle many shapes at once though, and there are no multi-shape features. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/35282
8.1 switcher does not show with Knot LPE ---------------------------------------- *LPE: Switcher does not show with Knot LPE. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.devel/32943
unstable: node-editing path parameters, missing symbol for switcher http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=5622&p=24029
8.2 show all parameter paths while node-editing a path with an LPE ------------------------------------------------------------------ https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/609839
9 Keyboard shortcuts
9.1 panning with space+LMB fails -------------------------------- https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/623660