On Wed, 21 Jun 2006, Bryce Harrington wrote:
Also, I just received word today from the Software Freedom Conservancy (http://conservancy.softwarefreedom.org/) that they have accepted Inkscape's application to join them.
This means that once the paperwork is done, donations to Inkscape will henceforth be tax-deductable, and Inkscape will exist as a legal, non-profit entity. More info about this is available here:
That's great. I had kinda looked into doing this on our own, and it was well, more difficult than I wanted.
"The Software Freedom Conservancy is in the process of applying for tax-exempt status, which would apply retroactively to donations made before that status is conferred. Donations made today are not tax deductible, but upon receipt of tax-exempt status they would retroactively become deductable."
So, don't count on tax deductions right away.
Also, from my understanding (talk to your tax advisor) you should be able to deduct travel that is directly associated with helping a non-profit on your US taxes. So, if you want to the Libre Graphics conference for the purpose of working on Inkscape, you could deduct the expenses. Again, check with your tax advisor.
When this goes through, I think we should look into trademarking the name and logo. Would they also become the holder of the domain name? I worry about Mental getting hit by a bus, and he won't move to the middle of the desert ;)