With all the recent additions - clipping, masking, and especially blur - Inkscape is finally able to produce some real photorealistic art. This is a call to arms for all Inkscape artists to start working on some stunning examples of what's now possible in Inkscape. We will need them - the more the better - for screenshots, examples, tutorials, etc. etc.
One thing I would like to request in particular: A car. It would be very nice to have a complex, detailed, photorealistic SVG image of a shiny impressive car. There are several reasons for why this is desirable. First, cars are sexy (for many people, anyway). Second, they are relatively easy to draw by tracing a photo - you don't need to be much of an artist for that, you just need patience, Inkscape skills, and a good photo to start from. Third, with their glass and brass and polish, well-lit cars are ideal for showcasing "photorealism". And finally, our main competitor at this time, Xara LX, has long used amazingly photorealistic images of cars (among other things) for its promotion, and it worked well. We need such an image if only to give people an idea of how we compare with Xara. Here's a Xara example for inspiration:
(John, I'm cc'ing you personally because I know you did some car traces in the past. Do you think you could make such a photorealistic example from one of your old images?)