9 May
9 May
6:11 p.m.
On Saturday, May 9, 2009, 4:17:02 AM, Jimmy wrote:
J> I basically created a working patch (excluding end of string line breaks J> and probably spacing issues). The patch checks if the text in contained J> in a text box is a child of svg:text instead of svg:tspan . If this J> is true a <tspan> is inserted as a child of the <text> and the string is J> transfered to become a child of the <tspan>
While this will work, its not clear to me why Inkscape always requires text nodes to be a child of a tspan element rather than also allowing them to be directly as a child of a text element.
Are mixed content models a problem?
Note that any scripts which manipulate text are likely to be broken by moving content into a child element.
Chris Lilley mailto:chris@...157...
Technical Director, Interaction Domain
W3C Graphics Activity Lead
Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG