On May 5, 2006, at 8:29 AM, Timothée Anglade wrote:

- Part 3 would optionally be the implementation of theses changes, if

any are deemed interesting by the community.

I think there might be some issue with this, as we're re-working things to make the UI different by changing the underlying structure. Once things are changed internally, then visible UI changes can go hog-wild. Any visible work attacked before that, though, may be redundant or more complicated.

One good example is the layers dialog. It's fairly easy to hack together. However, it's not been finished yet as it takes a solid behind-the-scenes abstraction and data model implementation to do it "right". So all the work on that behind-the-scenes stuff seems to show no visible effects. However, once that's been completed, then tweaking the UI to show all sorts of fund stuff will suddenly just appear.

Then again, certain internal fixup might be in place by the time SoC starts, thus allowing more to happen.