Hi guys,
I'm trying to find a good python library to access the SVG DOM, similar to the way Javascript does it. Is there any lib around that you can recommend for that? pySVG, SVGwrite, pyjs is what I managed to find references to. pyjs seems to me to be the most complete. But I would figure that Inkscape does access the SVG DOM to manipulate objects as well? Am I missing something here?
P.S. As I can't post on the bugtracker (doesn't route in China for some reason), I'll post it here.
r11962 win7 (without updates)
Dropshadow tool As great as the new dropshadow color setting is, using the color picker to select a color will change the color of the parent object and the dropshadow rather than the dropshadow itself.
Symbols Symbols are made using lines rather than outlines. Though I can understand why to do it that way (smaller size), it leads to problems when converting them to groups as lines will inherit not the settings from the symbol, but from the current line settings. I think all symbols should be created in outlines, similar to fonts, to prevent problems. I guess engravers will like it that way better as well, but not sure about that. I'm not sure if the symbol to group setting is supposed to behave like that either. Seems illogical to me.
Fill bounded area's Is broken