Wow, already we're half-way towards the first part of the contract - having 20 inkscape enthusiasts involved. If we can get 10 more people interested in PDF to participate, we'll meet the minimum to be able to start.
Also, it's clear we need a better plan, so please take a look at what's been written so far, and help scope out something better!
On Fri, Dec 09, 2005 at 11:05:01PM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
A couple weeks ago, I had the opportunity to meet Brandon Sanders when he visited OSDL about a conference he's organizing. He's also a long time Inkscape user and fan.
Brandon's also involved in IBESI, an org that helps ordinary people create and run R&D projects. He's been looking for good guinea pigs. It struck me that this could be one way to meet our PDF export/import needs. It seems to fit Brandon's model very well. The community needs this feature badly, and users may be willing to fund development if there's a solid plan and concensus.
Anyway, to keep this email short, I'm going to gloss over a lot of details and just post the link:
PLEASE, if you are interested in Inkscape PDF, do this:
- Go to the above page
- Vote "NO" (since there's no proposal yet)
Once we get 20 people participating, we can move to the next step (see the page for details).