25 Mar
25 Mar
12:23 p.m.
Oops!! So much for "I think I've merged them correctly"!
My master patch missed out two files and caused a build problem. Please ignore the last one and use this one. Sorry about any hassle!
Please note: This installs over a clean SVN checkout of 0.46 branch revision 18013, and only includes the SVN patches 1-5 from \packaging\win32\patches http://www.nabble.com/file/p16274398/Inkscape_046_Win_Master_Patch_SVN_1-5_f... Inkscape_046_Win_Master_Patch_SVN_1-5_fixed.patch
rygle wrote:
If this attachment works in nabble, this is a master patch of the 5 Windows patches in SVN at the moment.
Forgot to say, I haven't built on that yet, but I have tested most of those individually, and I think I've merged them correctly.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Status---Inkscape-0.46.0-1-Windows-Package-tp16262056p...
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