Hi Martin,
Let me start with telling that I'm thrilled that you're doing work on external <use> links and have some working code. I hope it will find its way into the 0.91 version as it will make my life so much easier.
However, while you're at it.
Three questions arise.
- Can this mechanism be used to add external CSS as well? I know Bruno Wick is working on that as well, but it seems you're on a roll here and would be the missing link (pun intended).
- Would it be possible to create a save option where such external files are concatenated into one big whopper of a file? Or even better, send it all to a single root file of users choice (oh joy!)? With some nice check marks to add or not CSS, external <USE> objects, etc? It would solve a problem for all those browsers that do not support external linking or have bugs*.
*(like webkit that supported external links till Chrome version 19 and then Blink had this nice regression that yet has to get solved. Opera works fine till version 12.5 and then they went Blink, Firefox can only handle links one directory level deep these days, sigh. I foresee a brighter future though)
- And the very whopper question that probably stretches your patience.. How about kicking all <use> objects to external files and style info to external CSS? <script> to external files? Again with switches for each type of export. I gather this to be a whole other ball game and probably not ready for 0.91, but what power would that give to Inkscape as authoring tool for web projects!
Ehm,.. sorry if this abuses the dev list as it sounds very much like something I should throw at the bugtracker wish list, but 95% of my request get timed out due to latency I experience in Chongqing, China, so I never manage to send something there. On the other hand, I think it is on topic.
Jubilant cheers,
Jelle Mulder
Message: 1 Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 11:09:58 -0500 From: Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...> Subject: [Inkscape-devel] Href sub-document model To: Inkscape Devel List inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Message-ID: <1390320598.10117.59.camel@...2056...> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
Hey developers,
This is the model I'm going to implement for documents to reference other documents:
SPDocument { GSList *child_documents; SPDocument *parent_document;
// Parent of parents until parent == NULL; SPDocument *getRootDocument(); }
Then in uri-reference, check paths of existing child_documents, load the referenced document and add to child_documents. Set parent_document.
That should keep things consistant.
The idea here is that we'll use this to track documents referenced in <use tags> as well as <image tags> and attributes like 'marker-*: url(...);' but not for non-vector graphics used in the image tag.
Thoughts? Advice?
Best Regards, Martin Owens