First of all, thanks!
It is great to see that the community is so friendly and welcoming. It really boosts our excitement and commitment to contribute with our passion. For what I understood you all agree that Inkscape needs some UI work. We are happy to know that there is some work to do. We also understand that contributors are volunteers spending their free time, so our ideas may never be part of inkscape development. Thanks for your honestity, we are aware of that. We do it because we love it, that's the main reason. Hope it helps.
We made a lot of designs in a whiteboard, a lot of time spent around a coffee planing this week and some drawings. Starting tomorrow we will start with some real design. That means we are going to put down on Evolus Pencil and Inkscape our ideas. I will try to keep you informed of the work we are doing though this list or IRC. Explaining what and why we do it so we could receive some feedback. At the end of the week (by friday) we should have something consistent (Is part of the ΠWEEK rules).
Thank you, the team got really excited with your answers. We will start tomorrow morning (9 am in Madrid) and will try to keep in touch though IRC and this list sharing our designs and ideas.
Let me answer your questions personally:
*Josh Andler*
*When you say some initial wireframes and designs were made but nothing*
- had been developed until now, are you saying you have created*
- something recently to share or that you will create something in the*
- upcoming week?*
We have some work already, but I think it's not serious enough. We will share it with you this week.
there might be
some of restrictions we will face or run into which might make implementing things very challenging or potentially not practical.
We would like to know what restrictions you could face. If we know it, we could adapt our ideas to make it suitable for a developer and easier to implement if possible. If it's not possible to implement something, well, then we will accept it :)
If you
wanted to do a UX review of the website and create some design mockups in that area, I don't know that anyone would be terribly insulted in that category either.
We didn't think about that but I will try to help with that in the future in my free time. It's a good idea and I could contribute with code. :)
Thanks Josh!
*Tavmjong Bah*
Can you share you observation and your designs?
I am not satisfied enough with what we have so far. This week, as soon as possible (probably Tuesday-Wednesday) we will have some basic ideas I will share with you.
Join the IRC channel on 'inkscape-devel' on 'freenode'.
Nice, I will try to use that communication channel.
Are you thinking about just design work or actually contributing code?
Sadly, we are not coders. We work with some coders at our company that will give us some advice, but they will not participate in this project. We are aware that our contibution could never be implemented. It's no problem.
Thanks Tavmjong
*Martin Owens*
could certainly do with UX/UI review and/or work if you know css.
I didn't think about that and itś out of the scope of this first contribution but I will get in touch with you after this project to learn how to contribute to the web development of inkscape. I can code HTML,CSS,JS. :)
I'd also like to invite you to create an account on the website so you
can upload your wireframes and other designs for sharing
I have an account already, I will use that tool for sharing.
Thanks Martin!
2014-12-14 18:33 GMT+01:00 Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...>:
On Sat, 2014-12-13 at 16:55 +0100, Xaviju Julián wrote:
It will be amazing if you show us what is the best way to contribute, what would be your needs and how we could be part of this amazing community.
Hi Xaviju,
I look after the website at inkscape.org and we're developing features which could certainly do with UX/UI review and/or work if you know css.
I'd also like to invite you to create an account on the website so you can upload your wireframes and other designs for sharing. We support inline-svg so there's no need to render the designs before upload.
Thanks for your offer of help, every bit pushes us forwards.
Best Regards, Martin Owens