On 21/04/06, Jon A. Cruz <jon@...18...> wrote:
Has anyone been looking at trying out building the native OS X version of GTK+? I've not quite gotten the time myself to get my dev environment switched over to try it, but it sounds like it might be getting close enough to give a shot.
Yes. I have been trying to do this on and off since November, and have actually got the whole thing to link, but it has not yet run properly (I get mysterious errors in GDK or pixbuf or something, where I think that it should be calling quartz).
I have been going round in circles ever since the switch to SVN, and one or two hardware problems at my end. I hope to get back to 'where I was' eventually.
If nothing else, if we start trying to build an OS X native Inkscape with it, we'll be able to find problems that others aren't hitting yet. Anyone interested?
I have come up with a few patches for GTK+, but these have probably bit-rotted. You are, of course, spot on that the GTK+ team would benefit from the Abiword, Inkscape and GIMP folk using their work.
Oh, and I'd talked briefly with Aaron Voisine who does Gimp.app about his experience getting the native GTK+ going, and he had these details:
It wasn't too bad, though you'll want a seperate fink installation to play with. I moved /sw to /sw.orig and /usr/X11R6 to /usr/X11R6.orig to move back when I finished. I made a fresh fink installation and grabbed the finkinfo files from http://www.cat.pdx.edu/~mattw/vasi/fink/gtk-native
fink (on Tiger) is very nearly there, and I don't recall having to do anything special, but XRender and a couple of other things were rather tricky. I wondered whether to switch over to XonX/XDarwin.
This was my starting point. I had to copy several finkinfo files from the unstable tree into local in order to remove x11 dependencies, change a few configure options, change gtk+2 dependencies to gtk+2-native, that kind of thing. I also had to modify pango1-native to compile using freetype, since gimp requires that. I also grabbed the latest from cvs, built my own tar.bz2 files and updated glib, gtk+2-native, pango1-native and cairo-native to use them.
pango and cairo needed a little work, but nothing special.
I will find time to bring my work up to date over the May Bank Holiday.