On Jan 19, 2008 7:32 PM, Maximilian Albert <Anhalter42@...173...> wrote:
Done. The feature is now also present in pen tool since it's probably equally useful there. Also, the dots created by Ctrl+click are now filled with the current stroke color and have no stroke so that they look like real points. :)
That's cool, but still I would more expect this to be present in shape tool, each creating points of its own shape.
Also: after creation, the points are not selected. This is very inconsistent and makes it impossible to quickly move or paint the point. Please fix that.
Now there is. :) To be set in the preferences of pen/pencil tools.
Thanks! Can you please do two small changes:
- move it down to the bottom of the prefs page, as it's not the primary function of the tool
- rename it to "Ctrl+click dot size" so it's more clear at once without reading the tooltip
Oh, and one other feature: When pressing Shift while creating dots by Ctrl+click, the dot radius varies slightly so that when a couple of dots are created the result looks less monotone. Hope this is useful for someone.
Well, I love randomness in general, but I think it should be on Alt, not Shift. And for Shift I suggest just creating a twice bigger dot - that's more useful IMHO and more consistent with the meaning of the key.