A few questions regarding Inkscape translation:
1. "Invert black and white regions for single traces"
What does a "single" trace mean?
By "black and white regions", do you mean "regions that are black-and-white" or "black regions and white regions"?
2. "Brightness cutoff for black/white"
Does this mean "Reduce brightness of black-and-white stuff"?
share/tutorials/making_markers.svg is not in share/tutorials/Makefile.am -- is this intentional?
Also, a few things that may need to be changed:
1. "Reset all shifts, scales, rotates, and opacities to zero"
Wouldn't it be better if it said something like "opacity changes" instead of "opacities"?
2. At startup, the messages "One or more extensions failed to load. ..." and "Show dialog on startup" are always displayed in English (yes, translated in the language file).
3. The "Alternate sign" tooltips are not shown ("Tile clones" dialog).
Arpad Biro
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