I assumed this was to be sent to the list.
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From: Jonathan Chetwynd <j.chetwynd@...871...>
surely a port of inkscape to cocoa is in order? frankly X11 is not a great graphical front end :-) and it wont be a surprise to realise that graphic artists like native OS X applications.
there are several things behind "port of inkscape to cocoa". even if I am not a developer I think I can identify the following steps: - if it is only for the interface, some projects as GTK+-cocoa (search google) are developed and might become mature enough so that inkscape will not need X11 to display the widgets. - then, the rendering engine displays the SVG to X11 I guess. So this has to become independent of X11 too... which might not be too far away with Xara and Inkscape joining efforts (the mail archives have long and interesting discussions about Xara) - eventually I guess that the pressure support is again something else. it currently depends on X11 and should be switched to carbon, cocoa or quartz or whatever deals with this in os X. Again, I'm just packaging Inkscape so I don't know the internals at all but I would bet that proper xinput will appear in some X server on os x before inkscape has a version fully running natively on os X. I have never read anything about porting it to cocoa... but if you want to do it I'll be immensely grateful ;-) Meanwhile, the situation is not be so bad after all: the X11 version of inkscape is rather usable and will only become better and better!!
how about the win98 issue?
Have you seen this attempt to describe variable width strokes?: http://www.schepers.cc/differentstrokes.html it was written in response to an exchange of emails & IRC...
I am keen to see how inkscape produces variable width lines in SVG.... so currently rebooting in linux, however aware that pressure sensitivity in linux isn't a given...
Jonathan Chetwynd Accessible Solutions http://www.eas-i.co.uk
On 21 Nov 2005, at 14:25, jiho wrote:
On 21 nov. 05, at 14:46, Jonathan Chetwynd wrote:
Jon & Bryce,
congratulations on .43, however would it be correct that "Pressure and Tilt Sensitivity" can not currently be enabled for OS X? given that the majority of graphics designers and perhaps even wacom tablet users prefer OS X, this remains a long term concern.
The Gimp-like application: 'Seashore' is already available for OS X with "Pressure and Tilt Sensitivity" http://seashore.sourceforge.net/
The lack of support for pressure sensitivity in Inkscape (or in the Gimp by the way) on os x does not really depend on Inkscape itself but on the X server you are using. Xfree does not support xinput (= pressure sensitivity) on os x. so apple X11 does not either. I've read that xorg supports it somehow. I don't know about orobor os X... Seashore being a cocoa app it can use the pressure sensitivity like any other native application.
So the solution will be to test with xorg (any feedback is welcome I'm waiting for this too!) or to wait for some work from apple...
Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme.
Jean-Olivier Irisson --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. --- Personal address: Château St Martin, 66200 Elne, France Professional address: EPHE- UMR CNRS 8046, 52 av Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan Cedex, France
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