On 10/01/2011 01:20 AM, Josh Andler wrote:
with the concept of a third way safely understood we can see how simply having the ability to insert arbitrary points is insufficient, you also need to be able to move them in relation to the creation. I made a lot of use of align and distribute functionality to get my points into the correct locations and I imagine it would be a dis-pleasurable experience trying to click on a specific pixel or move it with the keyboard.
Just to get it on the list. Perhaps we can make mouse input less clumsy and error prone by coordinating with Diederik. If we have the ability for snapping to nodes and such when adding/moving connection points it could greatly speed up the creation process for these objects and would also bring about precision to the workflow.
Ofcourse I will take care of the snapping. What's even more, we can use these custom points for snapping too, not just for attaching the connectors to. It's been requested a few times before to implement configurable snap points, see for example
https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/667372 https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/172093
Maybe we should call the connector points "anchor points" instead, if they're going to serve multiple purposes.