I'll take these one at a time:
On Sat, 2016-10-15 at 22:16 +0200, the Adib wrote:
Hello Martin,
I am trying to upload the win32/win64 packages to the website. windows packages are about 6 files (installer msi, installer exe, archive 7z each win32 and win64) in total 400MByte.
You're usingĀ 970MB of the 1GB uploader team quota.
(u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91-1-win32.7z', 42557791) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91-1-win32-debug.7z', 3740157) (u'resources/file/inkscape-0.92pre1-r15110.msi', 71796212) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91-1-win64.7z', 50213577) (u'resources/file/inkscape-0.92pre1-x64-r15110.msi', 74256456) (u'resources/file/inkscape-0.92.win32.r15110.7z', 55655572) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.92pre1-x64-1-r15110.exe', 59602598) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.92pre1-1-r15110.exe', 56212406) (u'resources/file/inkscape-0.91pre4-x64.msi', 97823114) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91-1-win64-debug.7z', 2566623) (u'resources/file/inkscape-0.91pre4.msi', 85620067) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91pre4-1-win32.7z', 42528140) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91pre4-1-win64.7z', 50206809) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91pre4-1.exe', 43291508) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91pre4-1-win64-debug.7z', 2567733) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91pre4-1-win32-debug.7z', 3738634) (u'resources/file/Inkscape-0.91-1.exe', 43314243) (u'resources/file/inkscape-0.91-x64.msi', 97868152)
Are any of these files candidates for deletion? Should they be archived in the team's gallery?
Irregardless, the quota for uploader team is now 2GB.
Btw. what was the workflow to upload the binary archives?
- upload to gallery (setting properties to artwork/"public domain"/"I
own the work")
- copy to gallery "0.92pre1 (for group developer)"
No, Inkscape Release is the correct category, GPLv2 is the correct license, "I have permission" is the right selection. (because you don't actually own the copyright, the permission comes from the license.
Doing the copy actually does not move from my gallery. Will someone actually move the files from my gallery?
There's a move, but there's no ui for it yet. So try and upload things to the gallery you need them in.
How to provide the hashes? I put md5 checksum into the notice field. Am I supposed to do like that?
No, set a gpg public key to your user profile. This will open up the signature upload. You /can/ use the upload to put an md5, but I'd much rather you signed the packages with the gpg key.
Pls. Could you also add eduard.braun2@...173... to the uploaders group, so he is able to upload win32 packages as well.
I'll need a request from him, although I'll consider this you're certification that he's trustworthy :-)
Best Regards, Martin Owens