On 10/19/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 10/19/05, Ben Fowler <ben.the.mole@...400...> wrote:
Marquee = Replace selection Shift-Marquee = Extend selection Opt-Marquee = Remove from selection
You can't do that because shift+drag and alt+drag are already used.
Instead, what can be done (if there's enough interest) is the optional toggle behavior of the rubberband (marquee). Currently, rubberband only adds to selection. With this option on, it would toggle (select what is not selected and unselect what is selected, same as Shift+click).
Ideally, the cursor should adopt a + and - emblem in the last two cases. FWIW, I would have the same convention for clicking, to wit: Shift-click Adds and Opt-click Subtracts.
Why if now you can do both with one Shift+click?
I agree that if shift click/drag is made to toggle the seletion (or better IMHO: use the majority rule presented below), there is no need to change previous keybings... and this is obviously better! I will fill an RFE to track this.
- Select an invisible object
In general, use hidden layers, not hidden objects. If you ended up with a hidden object, you can pick it using Find (Ctrl+F), or enable Tab/Shift+Tab to select hidden (Inkscape Prefs > Selection).
I might have misexpressed myself before: the object was not hidden but was not visible in itself. the bounding box existed but he object was not visible anywhere (too small? no fill and no stroke?). so this was not about selecting hidden object but selecting an object which I did not know where it was.
-- JiHO --- Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau : a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse, mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme. ---