On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 01:32:41PM +1100, Peter Moulder wrote:
We should clarify that this is primarily about membership of the Inkscape Board and answering questions posted to inkscape-board (see archives at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=inkscape-board).
It's good to see such thought put into this. I can offer some additional data.
The board's duties have been limited to legal and financial.
When the board was first founded, the board had some legal questions revolving around how the Inkscape Board should work, and to sort out questions about our relationship with the Software Freedom Conservancy.
However, since then the vast bulk of the board's responsibility has been to make decisions about the spending of money. For example, approving compensation for travelers to Libre Graphics and other meetings, and covering costs of conference booth materials, etc. I expect that most board responsibility going forward will be of this nature. The work has generally amounted to an average of a couple emails a month, and I expect that to be typical going forward.
The board does not have responsibility currently for technical, social/community, or other issues outside of legal and financial.