On Fri, 2012-08-31 at 18:34 +0400, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:24 PM, Ted Gould wrote:
several libs/apps all at the same time. But, I think one thing we'd need to figure out is how to culturally support someone working on a feature like that to have a branch, get that branch tested, and be able to promote their work. Bazaar solves the technical issues, but there are some social ones as well.
Ted, any examples?
Of features?
Nope, of social issues.
I guess my primary concern would be a sense of belonging and part of the community. If you were to work on a branch of on your own for a year or more, how do you know it's going to get merged? How do you know anyone cares about it? What excites you to continue your work?
I think that partially this can be filled by, most simply, by documenting the branches. Perhaps a "Monthly Branch Report" or some such. An official tumblr feed of screenshots? I don't know exactly. What are the kids using these days ;-)