Sorry about the tone of this message, but... can we stop wasting time and energy on the icons and focus on getting 0.47 out the door? As a (or I believe still the only) release warden for 0.47, I am authoritatively saying, "not this time". My rationale is based on the fact that there are obviously still too many mixed feelings for this change to have been made during the release preparation period.
Even after 0.47 is out the door, we shouldn't even bother with a poll until someone adds an icon set chooser in prefs. This way EVERYONE can be happy without having to copy/move files.
As a side note... for the remainder of this release cycle... (0.47)
How about every time someone feels the need to start or reply to an icons thread, they just go to the bug tracker and try to see if they can reproduce a bug still marked as "New". It's a far more productive use of time and the community will end up appreciating the results MUCH more.
Having similar or the same discussion(s) every few months has not changed a thing, nor will it anytime soon. This seems like one of the most ridiculous wastes of resources, to the point that I'm flat out angry rather than aggravated. My wife thinks that we're all nuts with the frequency of these repetitive and non-conclusive discussions. I don't know that I disagree her. :-)
Anyways, before I lose my cool and start with the profanity and insults (which I'm on the edge)... let's just be done for now.
Sincerely, Josh
P.S. If people really want to keep pushing this issue right now, I will have no problem stepping down as the release coordinator and release warden.