Bryce, Yes..it does....sort of. PDF opening and import seem a bit buggy. I am using build 0712241827 with win2000 and have looked at the irs site you mentioned. I find:
w4 does not import and throws the message "Runtime error-abnormal program termination" w9 does import. 1040 does not import ss-4 does import schedA&B (1040) does not import.
I also tried to open/import several other text pdfs that I had lying around. All of these opened. They included several single page documents and a couple of 166 page documents. Only the first page of the latter came out but there was no termination.of Inkscape.
I do notice that in all cases the "pdf import settings" window appears to show the document. This includes w4 and 1040 etc.
cheers, Erik
I also notice that my Adobe Updater pretty frequently is giving me updates to my Adobe Reader. Todays for example was 8.1.1 Update. Maybe the goalposts are in motion.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bryce Harrington" <bryce@...961...> To: inkscape-devel@lists.sourceforge.net Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 12:55 PM Subject: [Inkscape-devel] Does PDF Import actually work?
Hi all,
I am trying to test out the new PDF capabilities for Inkscape, as they're perhaps one of our most significant new features. Unfortunately, I'm not having luck getting PDF import working:
I downloaded form W-4 from irs.gov and attempted File > Import, but got the following error on the console:
/tmp/fw4.pdf:1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found %PDF-1.6 ^
It looks like Inkscape's not detecting the file as a PDF, and trying to open it as an SVG. Anyone know what's going on?