On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 6:49 AM, Jonatã Bolzan <jbopen@...400...> wrote:
Well, if you say that... here I go :D

I want the extension passing for all the nodes. To be more clear, here I put an example of code from the extension "svg_and_media_zip_output.py":

for node in self.document.xpath('//svg:image', namespaces=inkex.NSS):

This line get every "image" object in the svg. In my case, I want to get everything that is drawn in SVG. I want images, shapes, text... do you understand?

I know it's a bit silly question, but will solve some issues here.

Thanks for the attention.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:42 PM, Cédric Gémy <radar.map35@...8...> wrote:
Yep post here. I would also say that it would be great if we'd manage to
update wiki pages for extensions. They seem quite outdated. I wanted to
write some extensions few weeks ago (i already done some earlier) and
found that many things have changed so that the actual doc is not