On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Martin Owens wrote:
- Up to date GTK+2 is known to be broken beyond repair regarding
advanced input devices. And it's not going to be fixed.
Then why are you using it? Did it break on you? then set a maximum version in the packaging so we have to use a lower version to get a working Inkscape. You shouldn't accept such nasty regressions and if you have to, ship the bastard library internally. Surely the inkscape project has smarter people than: 'It doesn't work so we gave up'
If I didn't know you from other FLOSS projects I'd think that this is some sort of horrible anti-floss trolling :)
As far as I can tell, when 0.48.0 was out, the issue didn't exist. That is wasn't taken care of later is a whole different matter. We can burst out with rage all we like, but I for one would rather see this thread go back to discussing how we can fix the issue, not how we can punch each other in the face.
Shipping a safe version of GTK+ internally sounds scary to me. This is exactly what we've been trying to get rid of with even smaller libs such a libgdl and lib2geom. This is where I'd rather see our release manager stepping in to make a decision.
Alexandre Prokoudine http://libregraphicsworld.org