On Sat, 10 Jul 2004, bulia byak wrote:
I'm having difficulty fixing all the snapping issues that are in a priority 9 bug on the tracker. Several of them would be hidden by removing the option to set the scale origin to the bounding box. Should I do this before the release (assuming I can't fix the bugs before the hard freeze) ?
Since the displacement-when-scaling bug is not yet fixed, could you please remove that option and restore the old behavior? In its present form, I condsider this a bad enough regression. On the other hand, I may misunderstand something, but the old behavior was exactly this - scale against the opposite side of the bounding box, and it worked (probably it also did not account for stroke width compensation, but your bug is worse than that, it drifts even before compensation is done). Why can't you just keep that code? The new mode that you added
- scaling against the opposite node - seems to work OK and I would
like to keep it.
Why is there a regression wrt bounding box origins --- that's a good question. I'll look into it tomorrow and either remove the option or fix it.
Well, I've just tried 0.38.1, and the scale-with-snap behaviour is really just as bad as it is now; the drift occurs, and also the jumping around in scale factor.
I don't think the current code is any worse than this; it seems to be a bug that's been there for a while.