2009/9/28 ~suv <suv-sf@...58...>:
While I never really appreciated the new way to delete a guide (I have to reach across the keyboard (laptop) for the <Backspace> key, whereas <Ctrl> is in reach of the resting left hand) now I long for the previous behavior! Many times I accidentally have removed a selected object instead of the to-be-deleted guide - without noticing first, so that I was forced to go through the undo list to discover how far I needed to go back to retrieve the lost object.
Sorry for storming into this discussion (I'm not much into guides), but wouldn't this be solved if we had right click menus that were actually contextual? A guide could then by deleted by right clicking it and selecting Delete Guide.
I don't think making guides selectable is a good idea, because barring any ugly hacks we can only select SPObjects.
Regards, Krzysztof