On 06/19/2010 03:30 PM, Ted Gould wrote:
On Thu, 2010-06-17 at 10:01 -0300, Jonatã Bolzan wrote:
I want to know if there is the possibility to get the ids of the selected items in an extension that is an "output" extension. I'm developing an extension and I just need to get the ids. The extension is located in "File - Save As...", not in the "Extensions" menu. This is the problem?
I've tried somethings like:
self.selected.iteritems() self.selected
Hmm, I see no reason why one couldn't, but I guess my question would be: why? It seems like a user would expect an output extension to save the whole document, not a portion of it.
Could you expand on what you want to use this for?
Check out Inkscape's very own Export Bitmap dialog and many of the command line options. That won't show you the uses but it will show you similar functionality that we already have that is being found useful.
Aaron Spike