Currently, whoever needs to update statusbar calls sp_view_set_status() giving it the message and a pointer to a SPView object. This function emits a signal from that SPView object, and this signal is caught by the desktop object which does actual update to the statusbar (using gtk_statusbar_push()).
This seems strange. Why is SPView involved at all? In ALL cases when sp_view_set_status() is called, the caller code has (or finds out) the current desktop and then finds its SPView by saying SP_VIEW(desktop), only to pass this to the sp_view_set_status(). Given that the message ends up being handled by the desktop anyway, the entire mess with SPView and emitting/catching signals seems unnecessary to me. The code needing to update statusbar could call a function in desktop.c directly, either giving it some desktop pointer, or even letting it find out the current desktop automatically. The signal and the statusbar-setting functions in view.c could then be eliminated. I think the code would be simpler and more logical this way. Any comments?
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