On May 4, 2006, at 8:16 AM, Ben Fowler wrote:

You will probably find that most of the frequent committers have given

this no thought, the frequent committers will either be scratching

their own itch or have other concerns. Maybe it is not that


Actually... I'd wager that most have given it a fair bit of thought. And that I've given it quite a lot of thought since my main computer for doing Inkscape work *is* an OS X box. :-)

And in general thought is given to cross-platform issues, as keeping things compatible with Win32 builds has been discussed and has driven decisions for some time now.

Personally, I've always felt that the proper way for Inkscape to be more mac friendly would be to get GTK+ native on OS X, and not divorce it from GTK+ itself. I've not hand much time to give to supporting that, but I'd at least been known for pestering my "mac friends" to lend a hand to various porting efforts.

And again, the newest effort has actually gotten significant traction and progress. It's gone into main GTK+ CVS, and has actually been hitting close to its aggressive targets

My guess is that we can even start looking at doing non-X11 developer builds of Inkscape once we get 0.44 out the door.