Well, I guess the easiest thing would be to organise the svg input files for the rendering tests into two separate subfolders in known-pass/testcases and known-fail/testcases. We can then just tell the test runner to look in the appropriate folder:
# cat run-svg-tests-good runtests.py --directory=known-pass
# cat run-svg-tests-bad runtests.py --directory=known-fail
On 10 October 2013 18:00, Martin Owens <doctormo@...400...> wrote:
On Thu, 2013-10-10 at 16:14 +0100, Alex Valavanis wrote:
two separate executable scripts
Not yet. And while the python is pretty hairy (needs some code review) it should be possible to make it do what you want without too many issues.
Guiu, Tav; what do you think? Would it be easy enough to modify and would you like to patch it or should I?