In my attempts to operate in the mode when the wheel is being used:
I made the following changes (the diff file) 

- added a 'gboolean _isWheel' to struct ColorSelector
- added a function (public)  void set_isWheel {_isWheel = TRUE }
- added a function (public) gboolean get_isWheel { return _isWheel; }

-added a function to paint-selector.cpp 'gboolean isWheel' which returns the _isWheel attribute of its selector.

Unfortunately, the value does not stick to TRUE. 

QuesA: Is this approach wrong ? Is there any intrinsic method by which I can get the information that the Wheel is active ?
QuesB: Why is this approach failing ?

Arshdeep Singh
Third Year, Computer Engineering
Delhi Technological University
Ph: +91-9654115614