On Thu, 2013-09-19 at 01:02 -0700, Josh Andler wrote:
Just a couple observations: 1) The English words chosen for the various fields in the UI are not very amateur (non-professional/non-educated) friendly.
A tutorial would be of great help. For example, I tried this image:
How can I reduce the number of objects that result from the tracing?
(BTW, "Trace Bitmap" is broken... gets the colors wrong.)
- The ability to hang Inkscape unintentionally if an image is not
small enough (with no related warning) is disconcerting.
Granted, I didn't use small art as one of the first searches turned up when using the terms "8-bit zelda" was at a much higher resolution... which seemed like a good reason to test it. It seems like it should operate with relatively similar speed, regardless of size, when you're just dealing with interpreting "blocks" (granted I know on a technical level it's pixels, but uneducated users may run across something like http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/340/9/3/link_the_legend_of_zelda_8bit... and say "well, it's pixel art" because they're just looking at the blockiness of it and doing those simple searches). Again, I understand the technical meaning of pixels and what the intended functionality is, but perhaps if an image above a certain resolution is detected as the selection, the dialog should show a warning about the amount of time it may take.
Agreed, there should be an indication that the processing is going on if the time taken is expected to be above some threshold.
3) Voronoi diagram mode doesn't seem to merge adjacent "pixels" with same color values.
4) A future improvement would be to merge adjacent "pixels" if they can be represented by a single path with a gradient.
Very nice results otherwise from my limited testing. :)