All of the tutorials can be found at: http://scislac.com/inkscape/ Still haven't got my cvsNT issue resolved, so I can't commit yet. Bulia, sorry for not getting them to you last night.
They are not done in flowtext for this version as the ability to edit the text easily still isn't in there (nothing wrong with the XML editor, but the text tools still can't modify it). Changes are as follows: tutorials are now layered, keystrokes are bolded, more consistency to directions regarding menu items, couple typos corrected, updated Tips & Tricks (from the wiki), and the tracing tutorial should be good to go for now as well.
Unfortunately the calligraphy one just isn't all that good yet, so we may want to temporarily edit it down or potentially omit it from this release (as I started writing it from a more "all encompassing" position, but didn't have the time to add all that I'm intending). You'll see what I'm talking about when you read it. Perhaps editing out a little of the stuff that would lead into more (that doesn't exist yet) would be ideal. That way we can still educate people on the controls of the tool at the very least.
The history part is ok (not great yet), but it mentions different styles which I didn't address yet with examples or tips. The glaring omission however is the lack of filled in examples. I've tried in a few 30 min blocks to see what I can do, but my examples are not consistent enough at this point to include. I think a monkey with a stick could probably do better than I'm achieving. =) Bulia or Brisgeek would produce much better examples than I can without a doubt.
For .41 I will convert all tutorials to flowtext, and if it's possible to use svgz files, I will save them like that as well (reduction on file size seems appealing, but flowtext alone will probably cut size way down too, so we'll see). I also intent to try and see about writing raw XML files (for source) and doing conversions from them to SVG or other formats, as experimenting in the name of flexibility can't hurt.
Feel free to shoot me any comments or thoughts.