On Jul 29, 2005, at 7:21 PM, Michael Wybrow wrote:
The tool uses center connection points. Arbitrary connection points, placable by the user would be desirable too, but I've scoped this initial version as just center points, and we can talk about interfaces for other types when there is an inital version for people to see and comment on.
There are a few ways we might want to get this going. I'd imagine that more than one would be implemented.
One way would be to specify a connection point by some offset along a path. The code we have implementing the 'startOffset' attribute on the 'textPath' element.
The concept maps nicely at the higher level, and the function call seems easily usable at the low level.
I think that specifying and detecting the points themselves would be a minimal amount of effort (it's nice when code reuse gives you that). The bulk of the effort would probably be in a) changing the 'someone's pointing at me, where's my connection point' code to handle multiple target points and not just a single, and then in b) actually building up the needed set of points.
Others might implement that, but I wanted to bring the idea up so that if you need to comment any extra areas (or retune some areas) you could have that in mind and just toss in a little here and there as you go. And more importantly so that others can consider this and other possible connection point approaches that should be added later.