Yes, and I have noticed that there is a certain "stickiness," in that if a file is initially added with dos line endings, SVN (at least mine) tends to keep it that way.
Some of the files in question are the svg/smil/views/css/stylesheets "semi-official" Java interfaces classes from w3c.org's site. I've noticed that at least the svg set of original files had dos line endings, so I've run dos2unix on the entire directory.
Maybe people would like to give this a try, as an experiment:
find . -print -exec dos2unix --safe {} ;
Tho, if svn considers -every- line different, it could cause transmission of the entire file.
Peter Moulder wrote:
We have indeed been using it in subversion. Though we haven't had it set up to be added to new files automatically, so for example I see that the newly-added src/bind subtree doesn't use the feature. In the past, I've occasionally manually enabled the feature on new files (r1623{5,6,7}, r16085, r16043, r11156, r11011 according to svn log).