Am 20.07.2017 um 12:48 schrieb C R:
Tav is busy this week, but he and I are mostly in charge of this bug at the moment. I'll bug him Monday about it again.
Great! Good to know you'll be looking into it.

Regarding the print bug I heard back from a cairo developer and I'm confident to ship a Windows release with my patch applied, so I guess we can mark that "blocker" as resolved.
I'll look into the remaining clipping issue if I find the time. If I can solve it before 0.92.2 I'd be happy, but if it ships as-is it's probably acceptable, too.

As for MSYS2: As there were no further concerns I'll go for it. I was able to sort out a very recent change that broke XP compatibility ( so we should be all set.



On 20 Jul 2017 11:10, "Eduard Braun" <eduard.braun2@...173...> wrote:
So, quick update

Am 16.07.2017 um 13:38 schrieb Eduard Braun:
I have a list of three items that we should address before a 0.92.2 release. The first two are "simple" bugs which I think are too bad to ship another release with them (i.e. "blockers"):
  • Windows print bug ( ).
    Our mingw-w64 based builds (devlibs64 and MSYS2) currently crash for many people when attempting to print. I was finally able to reproduce the bug on a machine I control, so I hope I'll be able to debug it soon. I'll keep you updated. (Any help is obviously appreciated)
I was able to come up with a cairo patch that avoids the crash:
Unfortunately I have no experience with cairo, so I don't really know if what I'm doing makes sense and there was no answer by cairo-devs yet, so I'm unsure on how to proceed...
The prints I tested with the patched cairo show some weird issues with clipping which might highlight a more fundamental issue though, so there's still work to do, but at least we can provide a build that does not crash when printing...

  • Line height bugs (there were more than one if I'm not mistaken): What's the current status on them?
    I was not actively involved in the discussions and have never touched the relevant code, but from my own experiences and comments from a lot of people at work this is a serious deal-breaker for any productive work. I'd like to ask everybody who knows that part of our codebase and/or tracked the bugs/reports to make 100% sure they're all sorted out and report back!
No comments on this issue? Who was looking into the line-height bug(s)?
I don't want to nag but this is one of these issues that have the potential to produce very bad PR if we don't get it right for yet another release!


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