10 Jul
10 Jul
6:20 p.m.
Hi Mike,
After testing out the new autopackage binaries, that include this new patch, there's still an issue:
After doing: rm -rf /usr/local/lib/inkscape rm -rf /usr/local/share/inkscape rm -rf /usr/lib/inkscape rm -rf /usr/share/inkscape
and then installing via autopackage, these dirs exist:
/usr/lib/inkscape /usr/share/inkscape
however when Inkscape is started up, it cannot locate its icons. Doing this resolves the issue:
ln -s /usr/lib/inkscape /usr/local/lib/inkscape ln -s /usr/share/inkscape /usr/local/share/inkscape
Is there a way we can get this fixed quickly, or a way we could kludge around it (like have the .autopackage create the symlinks as above)?