2009/8/14 Chris Morgan <chris.morganiser@...400...>:
2009/8/14 Jarosław Foksa <jfoksa@...400...>
My theme can be previewed here: http://drupalready.com/playground/inkscape/news (login/pass: dupa/dupa)
Why exactly does drupalready.com need authentication?
I would say it's like 30% done, a lot of stylings are missing.
Hmm... in my opinion it looks too gimmicky. I like clean designs without images all over the place where they're not needed in my opinion (e.g. menus with different images for each item).
I also dislike images on the side bar. Moreover
- the homepage > news box is ugly where it is - the dots which divide, among other things, the left column from the main don't really divide anything. I would put rounded boxes to have main and left column divided. - the top of the page (with the icon) has to be restyled. But probably you already know that.