On 04/17/2012 10:33 PM, Johan Engelen wrote:
On 17-4-2012 21:57, Diederik van Lierop wrote:
And that one should snap, always, regardless of type. Don't you find it very awkward to see some other node snap than the one you are dragging? Why wouldn't you just have dragged that node instead?
The node tool is indeed different in that respect from the selector tool. So we could make the node tool behave differently. But I hate all these small inconsistencies!
No this is not confusing at all, since the selector tool cannot see nodes, nor can you "select them and drag them". It is quite different really.
Yes, every tool is different, I agree. But let's please try to make all tools use the settings, preferences, and shortcut-keys in the exact same way! Different logic for different tools is bad practice.
It is not different logic or inconsistency. It is as consistent as showing the nodes only in the node tool, showing bbox only in selection tool, showing circle nodes in circle tool, etc.
I don't agree with you on this point. Showing different elements (e.g. nodes, handles, bounding boxes, etc) for different tools indeed makes sense. However, this does not apply for having different behavior per tool. For one, showing different things is very explicit and is hard to miss. Imagine however that someone would like to disable snapping in the node tool. In each and every tool, this can be achieved using either of three methods: - by disabling the global snap toggle, or - by disabling the "snap nodes, paths, and handles" group, or - by disabling both the "snap cusp nodes" and "snap smooth nodes" group. Now if we would hard code snapping of nodes in the node tool, then the latter method would not work. Sure, our users have two other options left, but there will be people running into this, trying to disable snapping using the third methods and not succeeding. And in the end one might even file a bug report for this. It might be easier and make more sense for the workflow of some if we'd hard-code the snapping of nodes in the node tool, but I believe that others might feel this as annoying.
So I agree we have a regression here as you explained, but we should not solve this by hard-coding the snapping of all nodes in the node tool.
I've compiled a list of things that should be done w.r.t. the snapping mechanism, based on the discussion on this list the past few days: - Snapping of cusp nodes on by default - Fine grained control of all sources and targets for power users (requires individual control of sources and targets, and storing snap preferences more efficiently) - Snap delay to 50 ms by default (I would still like to have some confirmation that this is low enough, from those of you who are annoyed by the snap delay) - Tab-cycle snap targets (Just an idea, of which we still have to find out if this is practical) - Easy way to store preferences to be used as default in the templates. (Not only for the snap preferences, but Inkscape wide for all preferences? If so, then please don't wait for me implementing this. It could be a very long time before I get to such a new feature)
Did I miss anything?