On Thu, 2006-10-12 at 22:10 -0700, Jon Phillips wrote:
Oh, BTW, it looks to be isolated only to the main page. So, that is good...I need more powers to fix or someone with higher powers to assist...
OK, sorry for the freak out...I fixed it with my gf's help! hahaha
Basically, could navigate back to save over it...cool!
On Thu, 2006-10-12 at 22:08 -0700, Jon Phillips wrote:
Hey all, I tried to save some non-english text onto our wiki and now am getting a db error: please see the wiki http://wiki.inkscape.org/
Bryce or ACSpike, could you restart the wiki please? This is weird that it can't take non-english text.
I was trying to copy the language bar from the Open Clip Art Library...
Please update..looks like the wiki is borked until it can be restarted...I hope we have backups as well in case we need to change things...otherwise, I think we could hand hack those fields in the db with non-english texts.
Suck...maybe I can get some more powers on the server to do things...I can help fix this type of thing in seconds ;)
I went onto the server and tried to refreshLinks.php in maintenance after this and here is the backtrace:
rejon@...1522... /home/inkscape/inkscape_web/wiki/maintenance $ php refreshLinks.php Refreshing link table. Starting from page_id 1 of 710. 100 200 A database error has occurred Query: SELECT page_id, page_namespace, page_title FROM `mw01_page` WHERE (page_namespace=0 AND page_title IN('Coding_Style', 'FileTypes', 'ExtensionArchitectureProposals', 'NewFeatureProposals', 'Roadmap', 'ApplicationIcons', 'InkscapeColor', 'SVG_Test_Suite_Compliance', 'SVG_Tiny_Compliance', 'SVG_Competitors_Plan', 'PrintingSubsystem', 'OtherProjects', 'ExtensionsRepository', 'ReprListeners', 'AddSPObject', 'HandlingPreferences', 'WorkingWithSVN', 'ErrorsAndWarnings', 'DebuggingTips', 'MakingAnExtension', 'ExtensionAttributes', 'InkscapeJanitors', 'DeveloperTitles', 'W3C', 'CSS_Support', 'Animation-(Timeline)', 'Free_Desktop_Graphic_Suite', 'StatusbarAPI', 'KeyboardProfiles', 'KeyboardShortcutsToDo', 'SubsystemRearchitecture', 'GtkMMification', 'WikiAttic', 'ScribusInteroperability', 'Cairoification', 'PathRepresentation', 'TextUsability', 'ModalInterfaces', 'UI_MockupScreenshots', 'Googles_Summer_Of_Code', 'OpenDocument_proposal', 'OpenVG', 'Lib2geom', 'Translation_information', 'DialogReplacement', 'DialogsReorganization', 'ObjectManager', 'AccessibleGraphics', 'CompilingInkscape', 'DeveloperManual', 'FAQ', 'ProjectInfo', 'InkscapeFeatures', 'About_Inkscape', 'ا٠صÙØ Ø©_اÙ
رئÙسÙØ©', 'SupportedOperatingSystems', 'Tools', 'InkscapePopularity', 'TestimonialComments', 'ArticlesAndPresentations', 'Galleries', 'ã¡ã ¤ã³ãã¼ã¸', 'ÐаглавнаÑ_ÑÑÑаниÑа', 'Portada', 'Main_Page', 'Hauptseite', 'Forside', 'ÄefpaÄówna', 'Hoofdpagina_Nederlands', 'Pagina_principale', 'ContactInfo', 'InstallHelp', 'HelpWanted', 'PrintingConsensusPoll', 'TricksAndTips', 'ArticleIntroducingInkscape0_40', 'CreatingDists', 'WebsiteEditing', 'TestingInkscape', 'How_To_Start_A_Page', 'TutorialIdeas', 'UpdatingTrackerItems', 'Announcing_Releases', 'ReleaseNotes044', 'GettingExtensionsWorking', 'InkscapeSVG', 'UserManual', 'InkscapeTerminology', 'GettingEffectsWorking', 'WhatEffectsDo', 'ReleaseNotes045', 'EmergencySave', 'Installing_Fonts_as_a_User', 'UsingTheConnectorTool', 'WikiSyntax')) Function: Parser::replaceLinkHolders Error: 1271 Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN ' (db3.osuosl.org)
Backtrace: GlobalFunctions.php line 451 calls wfBacktrace() Database.php line 397 calls wfDebugDieBacktrace() Database.php line 347 calls Database::reportQueryError() Parser.php line 3050 calls Database::query() Parser.php line 209 calls Parser::replaceLinkHolders() OutputPage.php line 254 calls Parser::parse() OutputPage.php line 245 calls OutputPage::addWikiTextTitle() refreshLinks.inc line 89 calls OutputPage::addWikiText() refreshLinks.inc line 55 calls fixLinksFromArticle() refreshLinks.php line 22 calls refreshLinks()