Quoting bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...>:
I must admit I'm not well versed in the branching business. Mental, can you answer this one?
Branches are basically pointers to the "most current" version of files. HEAD is simply the default branch in CVS. When you commit, it basically uploads the new versions and then updates the branch to point to them. Creating additional branches lets people "fork" development within the same repository; hence, we can commit updates relative to an Inkscape release without those changes showing up in HEAD or vice-versa.
Branching a RELEASE_0_43 branch now might be a good idea, since we could then unfreeze HEAD and let the remaining 0.43 commits go directly to RELEASE_0_43 instead. I'm assuming there isn't a whole lot more stuff to be committed for 0.43 at this point.
Once the release was ready, the preparation and tagging of RELEASE_0_43_0 etc. could go as normal, except it would be done from the already existing RELEASE_0_43 branch instead of creating the release branch from HEAD at release time.