Am 18.09.2018 um 07:44 schrieb Bryce Harrington:
Could you guys fill me in on what was discussed at the hackfest on this
topic?  I've been involved with most of the discussions so far, so you
can skip details, I'm mostly interested in any areas of consensus and
any novel ideas that came up.  Just catch me up, please.  :-)

Unfortunately we didn't find the time for any "official", exhaustive, let alone conclusive discussion on the topic. However one day during lunchtime a few of us threw around some ideas on how we might proceed with the migration.

While opinions certainly differ regarding the details I think there were some general points we seemed to agree upon:

The areas were opinions differed most were:

I hope I catched most of the discussion, feel free to add notes if I missed / misinterpreted anything.

Regarding the topic of this mail thread, the "Regressions tracker": The first I heard of it was Thursday afternoon when Marc presented his suggestions for the 1.0 roadmap. I'm not aware of any discussion on it and think it's not a good idea to implement one for the reasons outlined before.

One suggestion for anyone itching to start making progress on this
problem, would be to do a test run of converting the LP bugs to a tmp
project in gitlab.  Googling around there appear to be some example
python scripts to do this that could probably be adapted without too
much trouble.  It looks straightforward to just import bugs rawly, but
some complexity enters the picture when considering milestones,
blueprints, whether to import closed bugs, what to do about
incomplete/new bugs, etc.  Honestly, I think we're just going to have to
make some tough decisions to discard some stuff in order to make the
process easier, but we need someone to actually try out an import and
see where the problems are.

Martin actually pointed me towards during the hackfest.
Can you comment on what the current state of this project is Martin, i.e. what needs to be done to use this script for exporting/importing bugs?

Best Regards,