So I (with some help from others) was trying to make a Snap for Inkscape. My goal was to make it so that, when we have it, we can get the 0.92 release to Ubuntu users on 16.04 LTS. Snaps do work for other Linux distros, but it is preinstalled on Ubuntu. The snap that I built is available here:
I have it built for i386 and amd64 right now for testing, but we can enable other architectures (armhf? arm64?) when we start getting to a real build. The snap is unoptimized and needs further testing, but I'd love it if other people could install it and send me their results. One major thing missing is the Python libs for the extensions. That's next on my TODO. For information on installing snapd on a variety of Linux distros you can get info here:
Eventually I'd like to get a per-commit build going for the GTK3 release on the edge channel, but trying to get the stable release version working first.
Thanks for feedback, Ted ##SELECTION_END##