On 15-9-2014 11:08, LucaDC wrote:
Johan Engelen-4 wrote
Tav wrote:
Changing the Inkscape Document unit should not introduce any transforms on elements nor should changing the SVG root width/height or the viewBox.
No, the page size should stay the same. One way to do that is to maintain width=100mm, and recalculate the viewbox (this is what Inkscape does now). Then indeed all the values in the document should be changed into inches.
Johan, your reply seems in contradiction with what Tav wrote and that was exactly the point for my question: he is saying that the viewBox should not change. I still don't understand what he really meant.
I think Tav meant that no svg::transform things should be added when a) changing doc units, and also not when b) changing SVG root width/height/viewbox With this, I agree.
About what you wrote, personally I can't see any reason to keep document's width and height specified in a unit different than the document unit and I'd convert them too. I find convenient to have the viewBox always kept in sync with the page width and height so there is a direct link between the document "user unit" and the physical "document unit". If your document has to speak in inches, also the page size should be specified so; and if one specifies an A4 page then wants to draw in inches, I think he should make a choice about where to live... :) I'm probably missing some good examples where this distinction is really needed.
Frankly, I also do not know (or I forgot) why one would not describe the page size in the chosen document units. Matthew thought things through pretty thoroughly, so there may be a deeper reason behind why he implemented it this way. This may be related to 'malformed' documents put into Inkscape, where user-units and width/height units are already defined different.