On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 05:39:52PM +0200, Vangelis Katsikaros wrote:
But it was just a thought and if you really are committed to doing this and nothing else I certainly don't want to step in the way. Just out of interest - are there other Inkscape-related projects you'd be interested to do, too? Hmm, I was wondering whether it might be possible to split the task between two people (maybe one working on the UI side and the other one on the internals), but probably that's not a good idea.
From my past experience, SOC doesn't accept group projects. Plus, as you mentioned, it would bring difficulties in orginizing things.
We have had one good experience with a paired project (for svg filters). In this case we took care in organizing them such that:
* Both individuals had the same mentor
* Each student's project was distinct and did not depend on the other, so the failure of one student would not hinder the other. The projects just happened to be closely related and synergistic with each other.
* The two students communicated effectively both between themselves, and with the mentor, so issues were resolved swiftly.
* Both student's work could be easily evaluated independently, and had separate goals.
While this can make it complex to organize, paired projects can be effective both from the standpoint of doubling the manpower on the feature, and because the students can share ideas, tips, solutions, code reviewing, and so on. But they need to be treated as distinct, independent projects for GSoC projects, and cannot be interdependent, else it makes it harder to evaluate them.