On 10/6/11 19:20, Josh Andler wrote:
It would be really nice if someone would look into some of the issues with the connector tool, especially since they keep adding up and rarely get redued. It seems that at this point it is unmaintained and unfinished, which to me puts it in the same category as the our disabled technical/lpe tool. Meaning that if it doesn't see love by the time we're wrapping up 0.50 (or whatever that version will be), I personally feel that it should be disabled at that point and will request a vote. I know people have used it, it's cruft is in their documents, but if it's not going to be given a serious go, it makes no sense to have it. Just wanting to bring the issue up with plenty of notice.
List of open reports tagged with 'connectors': http://tinyurl.com/6e7lmyn - newest first - includes duplicates