I liked the ideas about the export dialog, I will implement it soon. The 'register new account' should be a link to the registration page from openclipart or should I make a dialog to create a new account, as Tobias has suggested? What do you think is the better choice?
About the problem of some searches, like "cat", there are something going wrong when trying to parse xml. I will see if its a problem with the xml tags, if there is a bug in lib2xml, or if I'm missing something before calling the parser.
I want to thank you, Bryce, by being my mentor, and to thank all the other guys that have helped me reporting bugs and suggesting new ideas or modifications. I'm impressed how inkscape developers community is active and helpful.
On 8/21/07, Bryce Harrington <bryce@...961...> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 09:43:41PM -0300, Bruno Dilly wrote:
Hi people,
I implemented a new feature: import from open clip art library. When you have some time (and if you have interest), take a look on this and give me some feedback.
Hi Bruno,
Just wanted to say, great work on this feature! The import-from-ocal seems quite solid now, although I did find a couple little glitches (like search for 'cat'), but I'm sure those will get worked out in time.
For the export dialog, I would like to see some additional context given to the user. For example, they may not know what OCAL is, and so when prompted for username and password, they might not realize they need an open clip art library account, and get frustrated when they enter the wrong account info. I think a couple sentences to explain what OCAL is, and point them at the openclipart.org website should suffice. There should probably also be a link to 'register new account'.
But aside from ui tweaks like this, I'm quite impressed with how far you've gotten with the work, and especially impressed at how smoothly the import from ocal works. Kudos! :-)