Hello all.
I need a much-simplified, bare-bones version of inkscape for a small home school project I am starting.
Our students will write handwritten essays / short answers, and submit those homework images (they are jpgs, gifs, etc). I need a program to help "mark up" those images, and then save the image, and store the grades in a MySQL database.
*"Marking up" the image:*
- I need to quickly be able to add grading marks to the image, such as "SP" (spelling error), "GR" (grammar error). I can easily add these marks now by adding custom symbols to inkscape and then dragging them onto the image. But, I would prefer instead to be able to this via custom tools in the toolbar. - Whenever I add one of these marks, I want to subtract the appropriate number of points from the "perfect score" (e.g. every time I add an "SP" for a spelling error, the grade goes down by 1 point, etc). So, there needs to be shown a little box with the current score. - If I make a mistake and add one of those marks by accident, and delete it, the score goes back up. - I need to have the screen split into two parts (with two images showing): the top image is the student image being graded; the bottom image is the "official answer" (also an image). - I need to have a little list of images to correct - that is, a list of all images that need to be corrected. As I click on the list, it will load that student image. - When an image is done being graded, there will be some simple button to "Save" - All unnecessary options and features will be disabled (or at least hidden) - unnecessary tools, the main menu, toolbars, etc. I want a very simple interface.
- The list of images needs to be loaded from the database. - When each image is done being graded, the score needs to be stored in the database; the next student image in line needs to be auto-loaded, etc.
Thanks! Dean