On Sat, Sep 10, 2005 at 06:46:25AM +0200, Daniel Stiefelmaier wrote:
I talked to bbyak and he told me, to ask here if it is possible to have a localized version of www.inkscape.org, like www.inkscape.org/de/
It would be nice if we let the browser's Language preferences determine the language shown, so that pages appear in the best language automagically. This means that people can use existing URLs, or follow a link from a news article in a different language.
I'm told inkscape.org is using apache 1.3; here are some docs:
(The corresponding 2.0 page is interesting in that it uses content negotiation to choose the language, so
appears in French for me.)
(Don't let this suggestion slow down translation, though: we can always put this in place after translations have started or completed.)