El vie, 23-01-2009 a las 20:49 +0100, Mihaela escribió:
It is not against Tango guidelines to have an angled perspective http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines#Tilted_Table I think that Tilted table fits perfectly for the 3DBox tool icon perspective.
I totally missed that line. Thanks for pointing it out. Then it is possible to use perspective and it won't break the style. Great!
...It does seem logical to make them same color because it's not the color that's the message of the tool, but then why is the bucket blue with yellow ink, or gradient icon green? If you make basic shapes all same color why not others as well (like Photoshop). Anyway I hope all this makes sense, I still vote for different colors.
In the current Tango set (it's in SVN now) the gradient, flood fill and connectors tools are in gray shades. The current set is coherent in that matter. I understand the point about color as a easy way to find them quicky. I still think that neutral shades are better for this, but maybe we should revise a color selection for them. My suggestion: avoid too saturated colors (they look cheesy, like a children toy) and choose the hue for each tool carefully (for instance, the red circle is the same icon that is universally used for "record" in multimedia applications, and that's what I see when I see the red circle in the older Tango set).
If you decide to go with the Tango set, all of the toolbars must be Tango. It would probably be the worst option to mix icon styles.
I agree. Totally. Please check the latest version of the set. It's quite solid, imo.
I use it, I'm one of those who think Pen, Pencil and Calligraphy look weird "bottoms up" so I made my own versions of 2 of them. In GIMP Pen is upwards, while Pencil and Paitbrush are downwards. Is Pen so different it needs a different orientation?
Agreed. I don't like the pencil icon very much. It seems off scale. Too tiny. I'd like to see a tangoified version of the drawing tools icons, but only the caps. The problem is that we are creating different icons for tools that are shared with other applications like GIMP or Scribus, and it would be great to have common icons. I also wonder which is better for the calligraphy tool: If a pen with a stroke (easy to confuse with the bezier tool), a feather or a ink bottle, like in Gimp. Maybe in this case the solution would be provide really good tango icons for those tools and propose them to the other applications.
Thank you very much for your feedback.