5 Jul
5 Jul
8:37 p.m.
bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> writes:
On 7/5/05, Colin Marquardt <colin@...384...> wrote:
I just thought that it might be even cooler if we had some author names in "foreign" script, like Cyrillic and Kanji etc. It would be a matter of collecting them though. Let me start: "Joerg Mueller" is written as "Jörg Müller".
Just submit a patch for AUTHORS in UTF-8. Just yesterday I committed one such diacritics patch :)
Done: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1232986&gro...
Cyrillic, Kanji etc. names should probably have the transliterated/transcribed versions in parentheses.
(New e-mail subject to attract some more authors.)
Cheers, Colin
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